Like many reading this, we did not have much, as the world measures wealth, growing up. You know, the big house, brand name clothing, new cars or even money to go to the doctor. Yet, mom and dad made red beans, oranges and love, go a long way! We were rich! We were happy! When I step away from my life’s clutter, I then find the “inner quiet”. It’s a place where God speaks to me; a resting place. He makes me happy. This blog may be just a cabinet to file away my thoughts and visit every now and then. I don’t know. What I pray is you also can find that your happiness lies within. Not the “within” from where fleeting worldly lies take you. If you know Christ as your Savior, you have the “within”! May this blog be a reminder He truly does live within our heart…that is where happy is.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


This Faith Assignment is about how God used my grandson, Jude, in helping someone understand His FAITHfulness!  A mommy whose little boy goes to the same preschool as Jude sent in this story.  Apparently her son and Jude have had a few discussions about little Miss Briley FAITH.  It will make your heart swell!  Below is the email message sent to Jude's and Briley's mommy and daddy.

I just wanted to let you all know that Jude has touched my little boy, Jett Garcia’s (from preschool) heart... He always notices when Jude isn't there. He told me other day, "Jude was sad because his sissy was very sick." So I tried to explain a little, as he has lots of questions. He asked me at the end of our conversation if he could give some of his "well germs" to Jude's sissy, and I lost it. I don't know how y’all hold it together. I mean he only spoke a sentence about Briley... I have such respect and admiration for you both. We pray for you all every day, as does Jett in his night time prayers. "Jude's sissy" is actually the only thing he mentions every night without fail...

One other little tidbit about this story; when I heard of Sweet Briley’s passing I had to tell Jett. So, at night time prayers I sat him down and told him. He didn’t cry. Not a tear. (I was just a boohooing) My very small 4 year old climbed in my lap and hugged me and said "It’s ok mama, Jude's little sissy is all better now. God’s just up there looovvviinngggg her allll up." How a 4yr old knows so many things about the good Lord I will never understand.  God gave him the wisdom to understand that she was ok now.

Again let me know if there is anything we can do.   God bless you all

And remember what Jett said, “God is "lovvviinngggg her alllll up!" and holding your sweet baby girl forever in His arms.

The Garcia's

 There is so much we can learn from the little children. 

If you would like to know Jesus Christ, our only answer, our only hope, please email me at and I will be glad to share the story.  It's my FAITH ASSIGNMENT.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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