Like many reading this, we did not have much, as the world measures wealth, growing up. You know, the big house, brand name clothing, new cars or even money to go to the doctor. Yet, mom and dad made red beans, oranges and love, go a long way! We were rich! We were happy! When I step away from my life’s clutter, I then find the “inner quiet”. It’s a place where God speaks to me; a resting place. He makes me happy. This blog may be just a cabinet to file away my thoughts and visit every now and then. I don’t know. What I pray is you also can find that your happiness lies within. Not the “within” from where fleeting worldly lies take you. If you know Christ as your Savior, you have the “within”! May this blog be a reminder He truly does live within our heart…that is where happy is.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


The contributor requested to remain anonymous due to certain facts revealed here not everyone knows.  Nothing has been added or changed in this story. 

When I was young, my mom made sure to always have me in church. We were there no matter what. I liked church well enough because I got to hear of fun stories such as how Jonah was swallowed by the "big fish." Pretty interesting stuff for a little girl. As I grew older and started junior high school, my mom became sick. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her. She was having severe abdominal pain that would cripple her. I prayed every night that God would heal her. After 2 years of unanswered prayers, my faith began to crumble. (The doctors have finally found out what is causing her pain but this is something she will have to live with for the rest of her life.)
Ever since that time, I have lived probably best described as an agnostic. I never truly decided if I believed there was a God or not. It really did not matter much to me. I stopped going to church the minute I moved out of my parents house. I went through my college years and early adult years having no relationship with God at all. That is until the birth of my beautiful daughter. It was then that I truly realized there is someone BIGGER and more powerful that is ruling our world. I noticed that I was "trying" to have a deeper relationship with God but did not know really how or what I was doing. I would pray here and there but did not truly try to give my heart to him.
Crystal and Josh's testimony about Briley and their faith in God really struck something in me. From the moment I learned what was going on, all I could do was think about my daughter and cry. I cannot imagine what they are going through and my heart is broken for them. As the days go by and I read more of Crystal's posts, I see that she is not crying but is praising God instead. Something I have never done during a time of worry or stress. Everyday I wake up early to see what has been written about Ms Briley either from an update from Crystal or from one of Granna's blogs and I can tell, something is changing inside me. I begin praying more frequently and differently. I'm asking for less and saying "thank you" more. I can feel my FAITH being renewed. 

This past monday morning as I am driving to work, I turn down my radio and begin talking to God. I thank him for all the many blessings in my life and tell him that I am ready for him to start working through me. I want to be a vessel for his word. I will live my life for him and this time, I will NOT lose faith. Well, when I got home from work on that day, my sister (my best friend) called me and informed me that she had just been at the doctor and was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer. It is a cancer of the smooth muscle and it is resistant to chemo and radiation. After I got off the phone, I immediately collapsed to the floor crying. I was inconsolable. That's when I remembered my morning conversation. I stopped crying and began praying. I told God I was ready to be faithful, and now he is giving me that chance to keep my promise. I'm still a little worried for my sister as she has not even seen an oncologist yet to find out a prognosis or treatment options, but mostly I am at peace, knowing how great our Lord is.

I know it is because of sweet baby Briley and her amazing family that I am at peace during the scariest time of my life. It is because of her story that I believe that God will take care of my sister. I am so very thankful for Crystal and Josh for being so extremely brave during this time and selfless to share their story with so many people. They have truly changed my life.

If you would like to know this Savior, our only answer, our only hope, please email me at and I will be glad to share the story.  It's my FAITH ASSIGNMENT.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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