Like many reading this, we did not have much, as the world measures wealth, growing up. You know, the big house, brand name clothing, new cars or even money to go to the doctor. Yet, mom and dad made red beans, oranges and love, go a long way! We were rich! We were happy! When I step away from my life’s clutter, I then find the “inner quiet”. It’s a place where God speaks to me; a resting place. He makes me happy. This blog may be just a cabinet to file away my thoughts and visit every now and then. I don’t know. What I pray is you also can find that your happiness lies within. Not the “within” from where fleeting worldly lies take you. If you know Christ as your Savior, you have the “within”! May this blog be a reminder He truly does live within our heart…that is where happy is.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Because of the Briley FAITH journey someone reflects on their own trial they faced, reminding us all that God has the final answer.  Thank you, Jamie, for sharing!

Here's my FAITH story.

I became pregnant at the age of 21. I had never been told that the seizure medication I was on would lessen the effectiveness of the birth control pill I was taking. The first thing I was told by my OBGYN is to ABORT THE BABY. The first thing I was told by my neurologist was to ABORT THE BABY.  I of course said no. They continued to STRONGLY encourage me to ABORT THE BABY. For the first 3 months I was bombarded with horrifying pictures of what my baby could look like and all the defects that it was surely to have. Nevertheless, I continued to tell them NO! I just knew that God had blessed me with this pregnancy and that if I prayed earnestly He would answer that prayer. My husband and I both believed that even if there were birth defects God would give us whatever it took to raise this child we felt was surely a blessing from Him.

I had to stay on the seizure med's because if I were to have one while pregnant it would cut off oxygen to the baby & therefore cause brain damage. On the other hand the medication itself would cause other birth defects. So I prayed 24/7 LITERALLY for 9 months. My prayer was for no seizures, a healthy pregnancy, safe delivery & healthy baby. It's funny because I would always add, Lord, I don't care if it's a girl or boy, just that it's healthy and has hair. What a silly thing to pray.  I never prayed for the strength to care for a child with disabilities I figured those prayers could wait. Better just to pray for a healthy baby with no defects. 

I only had one seizure during the pregnancy which happened while I was at the hospital for an ultrasound. What a blessing that we could look right then to know that the baby was OK. Only God could orchestrate that. I had a bad auto accident during the second trimester but again was taken to the hospital so we knew right then that the baby seemed to be OK. 

My beautiful daughter, Jaclyn Theresa, was born with NO birth defects and hair.  God is good all the time and all the time God is good!

This is why I continue to pray daily for Briley Faith to be COMPLETELY healed no matter what the doctors have to say.

Praying for you all,
Jamie Craig 

If you would like to know this Savior, our only answer, our only hope, please email me at and I will be glad to share the story.  It's my FAITH ASSIGNMENT.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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