Like many reading this, we did not have much, as the world measures wealth, growing up. You know, the big house, brand name clothing, new cars or even money to go to the doctor. Yet, mom and dad made red beans, oranges and love, go a long way! We were rich! We were happy! When I step away from my life’s clutter, I then find the “inner quiet”. It’s a place where God speaks to me; a resting place. He makes me happy. This blog may be just a cabinet to file away my thoughts and visit every now and then. I don’t know. What I pray is you also can find that your happiness lies within. Not the “within” from where fleeting worldly lies take you. If you know Christ as your Savior, you have the “within”! May this blog be a reminder He truly does live within our heart…that is where happy is.

Monday, November 12, 2012


God used the faith of others to strengthen the faith of Brittany.  So much so, she pursued the FAITH ASSIGNMENT God was calling her to do! 

I will start here with my story... You see I am a twenty eight year old mom of three and have a very busy life. I have always wanted and felt like I needed to help others especially the less fortunate but, I felt like what can I do? I am only one person with one voice... Well, about a month ago I prayed to God and said please help me be able to help others... I just don't know how. I live a nice life but I'm not wealthy with money. I asked God to show me if he wanted me to do something... The next day I picked my oldest up from school and we were headed to the bank. We saw two homeless women standing on the side of the road and this bothered my son. So we went to the ATM and got them money and then went and got them some food. We handed it to them and my nine year old said "I'll Pray for You"... I knew right then that God was calling me to do something.. I got on the phone and started calling.. People were skeptical and told me that I was taking on too much and that they just don't think I could serve over three hundred people on Thanksgiving. At this time I saw JOSH AND CRYSTAL'S FAITH they had in their daughter, BRILEY FAITH, and thought to myself "I JUST GOT TO HAVE FAITH LIKE THEY DO!". So I contacted my pastor and told him I want to feed three hundred needy people for Thanksgiving at our church. Now, with this said our church is very small and actually our church is being built and so we have our fellowship in a house . He told me Let's Do it .... I told him not to worry about any of it that I got this . I got on social media and told people what I was doing and how I needed food donations. The next day I had calls , texts, and food being donated from people that I haven't met and some that I haven't seen since high school. The next day local businesses ( salons, car lots, Walmart, our hospitals) were wanting to contribute . Then the next day In my mailbox I found a letter with no name or return address with a note that said: keep doing what your doing , this isn't much Brittany but hope it helps. It was $50 dollars cash. I called my pastor and told him how everything was falling into place and knew it was our Great God that did it! You see I put all my faith in this! I am having people donating their vehicles ( we only have one church bus) to shuttle people in and out. I got a call yesterday and a local radio station wanted to put it on the air for FREE ! The local newspaper wanted to run the article for FREE! Today I went to church and my pastor called me to the front to ask the church to help cook and serve .... My emotions took over and I started to cry. I never thought I could do this but because I prayed and had FAITH in God and now look what he is doing;-)! So this is my story and my story hasnt ended yet.... I know this Thanksgiving is going to be the best and know because what God is doing!!! It just starts with having FAITH!!!   ---Brittany Ficut

Just in...Channel 7 AND Channel 4 (Little Rock, AR) called and want to do a story on the Thanksgiving lunch!

Is God calling on you?  All you have to do is take that step of FAITH!  He equips the called!

If you would like to know this Savior, our only answer, our only hope, please email me at and I will be glad to share the story.  It's my FAITH ASSIGNMENT.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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