Like many reading this, we did not have much, as the world measures wealth, growing up. You know, the big house, brand name clothing, new cars or even money to go to the doctor. Yet, mom and dad made red beans, oranges and love, go a long way! We were rich! We were happy! When I step away from my life’s clutter, I then find the “inner quiet”. It’s a place where God speaks to me; a resting place. He makes me happy. This blog may be just a cabinet to file away my thoughts and visit every now and then. I don’t know. What I pray is you also can find that your happiness lies within. Not the “within” from where fleeting worldly lies take you. If you know Christ as your Savior, you have the “within”! May this blog be a reminder He truly does live within our heart…that is where happy is.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

#3 - GOD "PERKS"

Wednesday, November 7, 2012.  My daughter, Kristen, like the rest of us, got the news about Briley FAITH having SMA and according to the doctors did not have long to live.  Devastated by the news she walks into the hospital room where we are with our little angel.  I can see in her face the pain, the questions, the fear.  It is very recognizable because at times, I, too, was in that moment.

Thank God, it is just for a moment!  Then, He sends us reminders of His faithfulness!  Then, He encourages us with stories of others seeing God in us!  Then, we can stand again. 

God “Perk” #1 – Kristen leaves the hospital that evening looking for a peace and asking God to reveal He is still working and Briley is in His care.    Walking on a path of discouragement looking for that peace.  Approaching the car she notices a zip-lock bag underneath her windshield wiper.  On the front reads “Please enjoy this Random Act of Kindness”.  Inside there is a dollar bill.  On the outside a symbol of a “smiley face”.  She said “God knows 100% what we need!  I definitely could use a little “pick me up” in times like these!”  Kristen shared this picture of the “perk” she found and said she knows it was God’s way of telling her that He is watching over  her beautiful niece, Briley Faith.  His peace came at that very moment.  Of all the cars in the parking lot, hers was the only one to receive this random act of kindness.  That’s God.  His FAITHfulness.

God “Perk” #2 – The next morning.  A work day.  As soon as she walks in the door, her administrator asks about Briley.  Kristen gives her the update of the news she received the day before.  Tears form in the eyes of someone who does not know the family, just knows the story.  Then Kristen explains to her that God is in control. 

The work day continues.  When Kristen returns from her lunch break she notices a card that had been slipped under the keyboard that rests upon her desk.  She pulls it out, gently opens the seal, lifts out a card that is just not any card.  A card with a message.  A card of FAITH.  Thank you, Cheryl, for sharing your FAITH ASSIGNMENT!  Word for word it reads:

Thank you for sharing your “God moment” with me earlier today.  I cannot imagine the emotions your precious niece’s diagnosis has placed on your heart.  I want to share something with you.  You probably do not know that I’m a breast cancer survivor.  The verse that became LIFE to my husband, son and I in January 2008 was this:  “For we know God works all things for good to those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.”  Romans 8:28.  The night following my biopsy, we knew the following day would be “answer day”.  This verse was Jared’s homework verse.  We found ourselves explaining to our son the meaning when he had no idea what we were waiting on!  This verse was a lifeline for me.  Because I was reminded time and time again that only God sees the “Big Picture”.  Faith and trust that good results somewhere down the line is a BIG comfort. May you find comfort in this verse as I have so many times.  Love, Cheryl

Cheryl and Kristen continued to discuss what God has used to build their faith.  Cheryl told Kristen that watching her throughout this journey with Briley has been encouraging.  You see, God used this “perk” to not only once again to remind Cheryl of the faithfulness of God through Kristen, but He also used this “perk” as a reminder to Kristen that God is using her, when she didn’t even realize it.  Her FAITH ASSIGNMENT.

Our walk says a lot about our life.  Are you walking BY FAITH?  If so, no matter what you are going through, watch for God to send those reminders, those God “Perks” to take you through your “answer day”.  Whatever awaits, have FAITH.  God has already been there.

If you would like to know this Savior, our only answer, our only hope, please email me at and I will be glad to share the story.  It's my FAITH ASSIGNMENT.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

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